Non-interest income, in recent years a big driver of earnings growth, benefitted from a weaker base: equity market-related fee income did not take off until the second quarter of 2007. 作为近年来收益增长的一个主要驱动力,非利息收入得益于基数较低:直到2007年第二季度,与股市相关的收费收入才开始大幅增长。
A "determinable"," qualified", or "base" fee is an estate limited to a person and his heirs. 一项“可中止”,“有限”或“低级”的采邑权是一项可由某人及其继承人享有的地产。
It is disadvantageous for fixed management fee rate to incent the fund company making great efforts to maximize return of investor in social insurance funds investment at present, this article put forward dividing the fixed management fee rate into two part of base and performance fee. 本文针对目前我国社保基金委托投资管理费率结构单一,不利于激励基金公司朝着投资者收益最大化的方向努力运作的问题,提出将费率划分为固定的和与业绩挂钩的两部分。
On the base of assuring survival rate and conserving rate, the less the fee used in soil preparation and young growth tending is, the higher the economic benefit is. 在保证造林成活率和保存率的基础上,用于整地和幼林抚育方面的经费越少,经济效益则越高。
Theoretical base of water resources fee and its pricing method 水资源费征收的理论依据及定价方法
The theoretical analysis of this stimulating system is built up on the base of optimization analysis under some restrictions, and its basic conclusion is that there should be some unfixed stimulating fee in this contract. 而这样的激励机制的理论分析都是建立在一定约束条件下的最优化分析基础上,其基本结论是最优激励合同中应该规定一部分浮动的激励费。
Focusing on this phenomenon, the thesis analyzes the theoretic base of the granting fee and puts forward the granting fee coefficient mode. 针对这一现象,对土地出让金及其形成机理进行了分析,提出了土地出让金系数测算的基本思路和数理模型,并对重庆市的土地出让金标准进行了实证分析。
The reformation must base on Chinese realities, real estate tax and fee system, and land supply system, and then go forward gradually. 但是物业税改革必须基于中国的现实,结合现行房地产税费体系和土地使用制度的特点,在此基础上进行循序渐进的改革。
Financial Base for the Reform of Rural Tax and Fee and Countryside Governance 农村税费改革和乡村治理的财政基础